Mamas little boy

Last upload 25.03.2014 06:29

When I was a small boy my father told me, son if your going to play with yourself dont shoot yourself in the eye. With this said change and wash your pillow case too, or this could happen to you. Then I walked in to a wall with a boner, and my nose still hit the wall first. I steal food from the homeless and feed it to MatressKama. I was going to put MatressKarma on my new BongDrip T-shirts, but she would not fit. I have to eat fast food, cause my Mom will get mad at me if I make something in the kitchen. I am 4 feet and 11 inches tall, someday I will be 5 feet tall. Dad said he will get me special shoes.

4 Photo(s)
  • I was having a good hair day.
  • I dont go to church anymore.
  • Time for a dab.
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