Private Information
Middlename (Nickname):LovelyRita1984
City:Los Angeles
Relationship Status:-------
About me:Model, Actress, Makeup Artist, Animal Rights, Conundrum, Ass-Kicker of Cancer, Horror Films, Lovely.I constantly contradict myself. I’m a good observer and tend to be over analytical. I’m a true dork at heart and a major nerd. Laughter really is the best medicine. My second life would pass through the 1940’s-60’s. I have a contagious personality. I am an old soul. Naps are my favorite hobby. I try to see the good in people because everyone needs at least one mulligan in life, I know I’ve needed quite a few! I tend to be more of a night person. Food is one of the main ways to my heart. I prefer more face to face conversation than over the phone. I respect animals but I still eat meat. I’m a romantic person and love as hard as I live, but sometimes that has meant making mistakes and hurting others to find out who and what I needed. I believe in breaking the stereotype. I appreciate and find beauty in vintage items. I love the sound of Vinyl but lack in the effort of collecting it. I rescue snails by moving them to a safe place before they get stepped on. I am filled with a lot of passion. I lead more often than I follow. I try to exercise creativity as much as possible. I am human and have and will make bad judgment calls. I am a huge movie buff, especially in the horror genre, and I’m obsessed with Halloween.Stalk Me:Pinterest: http://www.LovelyRita1984.Tumblr.comPinup Lifestyle: Tease: Club Inc: Pinup:
Contact Information
ICQ UIN:-------
Skype name:rzupancic13
MSN UIN:rzupancic13